18 Jul 2024 Marissa’s Books & Gifts
by Hannah K New
“Mom.” My daughter stops me outside of Marissa’s Books. “Why do you get so excited? They’re just books!”

Instead of answering, I gasp, “Look! Charlotte’s Web!” And point to a classic book display.
“Where?” She squeals and runs inside the store. She can be forgiven. She’s only six. She may not understand the power books have yet, but she feels it when she asks me to play the Charlotte’s Web audiobook narrated by Meryl Streep for the one hundredth time. Or when she sits down on a couch in Marissa’s Books & Gifts to peruse one of the books in their magnificent kids’ section.

Marissa’s Books & Gifts can spark that magic. Hosted inside an old tire store, it looks tame on the outside, but open the doors and a maze of literary shelves awaits you. Cindy Dumas, the founder, certainly understands my child’s curiosity. She got the idea for the store when she took her granddaughter, Marissa to a bookstore on a rainy afternoon. Read her story here.

One of the things I love about Marissa’s is that they always have a deal or a party going on. Last summer I bought an anatomy book and left with a “Kindergarten prep kit” for my child. Just a few weekends ago they had a Kids Summer Event where they gave away free books to children in preschool through sixth grade. You read that right, free books. Do you know what I love more than books? Free books..

And Marissa’s Books & Gifts has something for everyone. Are you into western history? They have it. Books written in Spanish? They have them. Philosophy? Star Trek? The Occult? They have those, too.

Sign up for their email list. Visit their website. Better yet, visit their bookstore and buy a book. Buy a University of Utah Press book! Need a suggestion? Just ask me.

Hannah New is the marketing manager for the University of Utah Press.

Read about our other Salt Lake City bookstores: Ken Sanders Rare Books
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