Celebrating Mormon Studies

by Jedediah Rogers & Da Quanisha Parks

To celebrate 75 years of publishing, the University of Utah Press hosted a discussion on Mormon biographies. Biography, a popular genre within Mormon Studies and among the general public—is essential to the study of history, as it uses individuals as a lens to examine historical questions or themes. A good biography reveals intimate connections between people, communities, and events sometimes missing in traditional works of history. Pulling from past, present, and future biographers, the historian and editor Jedediah Rogers held an online conversation with Stephen Taysom, Gregory A. Prince, Lindsay Hansen Park, and Richard Saunders about writing biographies and their own works and contributions to Mormon studies.

A promotional graphic for a webinar titled “A Conversation on Mormon Biographies.” It features book covers and author names, celebrating 75 years of publishing with the University of Utah Press. Scholars discuss biographies of key figures in Mormon history.
Event Flyer features cover images of (left to right) Richard L. Saunders, Stephen C. Taysom, and Gregory A, Prince, and a painting of Juanita Brooks by Lindsay Hansen Park in place of biography presently in editorial progress.

“A Conversation on Mormon Biographies” is available for download or streaming on University of Utah Press YouTube Channel. The conversation was lively and insightful, of interest to anyone interested in the craft of biography, writing biography, or the future of biographies within Mormon studies. Beyond a critical examination of the genre, the discussion is a celebration of seminal biographies published by the University of Utah Press.

A Conversation on Mormon Biographies

“A Conversation on Mormon Biographies” features Stephen Taysom, Gregory A. Prince, Lindsay Hansen Park, and Richard Saunders speaking with Jedediah Rogers about their approaches to biography and contributions to Mormon studies.

Mormon History Association 59th Annual Conference

The image depicts an indoor event where a group of individuals is seated at tables, and two people are standing on a stage. One person appears to be presenting an award to the other. The audience is focused on the stage, suggesting that this is likely an awards ceremony or formal recognition event. The setting implies a professional or ceremonial occasion.
Stephen C. Taysom receiving Book of Year Award
The image depicts three individuals standing closely together, holding a certificate that reads “BEST BOOK.” The setting suggests an awards ceremony or formal gathering where one of the individuals has received an accolade for a book.
Photo of (left to right) Lindsey, Stephen, and Jedediah

This year’s MHA took place June 13-16, 2024, in Cleveland, Ohio, and the theme was “Conversions, Aversion, and Reversion: Mormon Identity from Ohio to Utah.” If you attended the conference, there was a chance you spoke with Jedediah Rogers, University of Utah Press acquiring editor. At the Awards Banquet on Friday evening, Stephen C. Taysom accepted the Mormon History Association Best Book Award for Like a Fiery Meteor: The Life of Joseph F. Smith. . Accompanied by Lindsey, Taysom’s wife, Jedediah was able to commemorate the event with photos.

On Saturday, the University of Utah Press hosted a book signing for Like a Fiery Meteor: The Life of Joseph F. Smith with Stephen C. Taysom.

Every year the University of Utah Press looks forward to attending the MHA conference. With the 2025 conference projected to be in Ogden, Utah, the Press is even more excited for next year’s conference. Don’t forget to visit University of Utah Press YouTube for more authors interviews and webinars.

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Jedediah Rogers is acquiring editor at the University of Utah Press.

Da Quanisha Parks currently works for the University of Utah Press as a graduate research assistant for marketing while earning an MS in Environmental Humanities.

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