Cover image for Utah's Air Quality Issues. A car tailpipe spewing smoke.

Utah’s Air Quality Issues

Problems and Solutions

Hal Crimmel

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Subjects: Nature and Environment, Utah

Tags: USHS

9781607817086 (paperback)
9781607817093 (ebook)

Although Utah is a land of outdoor wonders, the state has a distressing air pollution problem. In some areas like Salt Lake City, geography exacerbates the issue; air quality in the Wasatch Front metropolitan region often ranks among the worst in the nation.
Utah’s Air Quality Issues: Problems and Solutions is the first book to tackle the subject.  Written by scholars in a variety of fields, including chemical engineering, economics, atmospheric science, health care, law, parks and recreation and public policy, the book provides a one-stop resource on the causes, impacts, and possible solutions to the state’s air quality dilemma. This volume is a must read for anyone wanting to understand Utah’s air pollution problem and what can be done about it.