A new collection of essays, A Watershed Moment, reveals tensions between a culture of economic growth and personal freedom and the ecological, economic, and social constraints set by community values and the land itself. As Western communities come up against these limits, chapter authors highlight issues of sustainability endemic to the region and to the nation as a whole. Join us to hear from authors and discuss critical social-environmental issues in the West.
Robert Frodeman, Environmental Philosopher
Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk, Montezuma Land Conservancy
Kekek Jason Stark, Director of the Margery Hunter Brown Indian Law Clinic
Luther Probst, Teton County, Wyoming County Commissioner
Paul Rogers, Director of Western Aspen Alliance
Sponsored by: Department of Environment & Society, Community and Natural Resources Institute. Western Aspen Alliance, Native American Cultural Center, and Quinney College of Natural Resources.
A Watershed Moment edited by Robert Frodeman, Evelyn Brister, and Luther Propst